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The basic interface tumblr - How to use tumblr

KUWRITER 2013. 2. 24. 20:05

The basic interface tumblr - How to use tumblr

We are trying to give the description and terms of the default interface of tumblr today.

A screen similar to the above can be seen when you log in to create a new account. I think it's down to scroll down, multiple photos is loaded. I call and dashboard (Dashboard) here. You can see on this page, with the same space as the news feed of Facebook. I've just shows a photograph of the user that you are following. Well, even though I have not yet follow a single person, why do I see the photo? When you register to tumblr first, show me a photo from our famous user automatically from tumblr.

Well, I'll wear a basic interface of tumblr in earnest?

1. Main menu

It is the main menu of tumblr. Dashboard, messages, help, settings, logout button, there is a tag at the end of the search window from left to right. messages between users, tumblr offers a message that is functional. I think the most pressing buttons that there is the Settings button. You will be able to set up a blog account and here.

When a post on tumblr, how many times is the tag immediately Bujokuhange emphasized its importance. The characteristics of the tumblr you seldom use a text, it is because the center post to search for a tag by the user. Tag search window is a window that can be used to search for such a tag. You will be able to word you are interested, you can easily understand the application to search for words if you look at Kpop, such as psy for example. Search Hangul course is also supported.

2. Upload a profile photo

Hit the white box, This is the place where I set the profile picture. In tumblr, we recommended I let me expose the image in thumbnail format to put your profile photo and apply some photos of personality by pulling check the line of sight only a photo to represent yourself. Please select a profile picture and click on that part of the file upload window and wake up the familiar.

3. Posts menu

It is most commonly used post button. Some Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, Audio, Video is from the left. You will be able to push the appropriate type posts. Let me explain in turn.

I will post the contents of the letter literally: Text. Please consider the normal Posuchinran. You may be able to write the HTML, of course, to attach a picture. Oddity is that I can dare me to create a title.

This menu is used most often with the tumblr: Photo. It is a menu to enhance the photo.

Might be unfamiliar: Quote. This menu is a menu that raise short phrase, and witticism.

I just give the link: Link. You can put a title and a brief description of the link. I bookmark useful personal applications. There will also be easy to make a note of such as articles or?

It is posted in the chat: Chat. I do not use it. I have never yet seen.

It is a menu posted music: Music. You can put the URL link or upload the file directly. Sound Cloud is served.

This menu is posted the video: Video. As well as music post, you can put the URL link or upload the file directly. I've often used when you have raised, such as YouTube videos personally.

4. Menu of my blog

Since there was a dashboard such as news feeds, you may be able to see the space your own blog? When you click on the yellow box, the page changes in the menu of my blog. Untitled letter, is it visible? Since we did not determine the name of the blog yet, the name of the blog appear on Untitled. When you click the arrow next to the list of blogs that you have created will then be displayed. Do I sound like? Yes. tumblr has a service so that users can create multiple blogs.

tumblr is the approximate shape or come into the eyes? I was wearing me how to use this and that look had pressed entirely written in English for the first time. This post is a little to reduce the difficulty of the person who will be the first time I hope you can be able to tumblr. End post base interface tumblr - How to use of this tumblr. Thank you.