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Add guestbook on Tumblr

KUWRITER 2013. 3. 3. 13:23

Add guestbook on Tumblr

I explained, "How to create a menu (Tumblr) tumblr" and in the past time, "How to blog some bulletin board." Today I will learn how to create a guest book (Tumblr) tumblr blog by using these two.

What was that you were the first on the moon bulletin board? Fit. You must first create a bulletin board. I am a guest book as well. I let go to make a guest book then? Place to provide a guest book, there is more than one place, it is recommended "(Ultra Guest) Ultra guest," I am. It is easy to manage design is refreshing. Please connect to ultra guest. 

Would first need to register? Please click Signup.

This screen is ultra guest registration. The Website Title Website URL, please enter the address of the blog, the blog name of tumblr. Click the Create guestbook enter email address and password you use, and the confirmation code!

I flew a confirmation email to the email address you have registered at the time of registration. Please click on the link to open the mail.

When you log in to this ultra guest, control panel similar to the one above appears. It is the part that allows you to manage your guestbook. I'll click the Link Code - Account in order to get the address of the guest book first. Please copy the part you hit the blue box on from there, the source of View Guestbook.

I now made a guest book. What we put on tumblr? First, please create one new sentence at tumblr!

Go into the creation HTML, please enter the following sources.

<iframesrc="guestbook adress"width="700" height="1200" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </ iframe>

Will it the same as the source that was used to create bulletin board? height and width, it is according to the blog, please adjust the width and height that is. Create it, please put the "Guestbook" on the tag!

Customize HTML editing performed by another blog

Find the location where you want to place the menu guest book, I have put the following sources. Place is to look to find the characters that can be located anywhere in the CTRL + F.

<div class="typelist-widget widget">

<div class="widget-inner">

<div class="widget-content">

<ul class="widget-list">

<Ahref="bururogujuso/tagged/guestbook"> Guestbook </a> </li>





Not it is the source that were used to create the menu? It is that, "guestbook" tag and press the "" Guestbook "the meaning of the above sources that the" Output posts attached. Do not forget to put in a address http:// sigil, keep in mind the blog! Please go to the blog to come out all that you created and saved.

Guestbook menu occurs. Let's click.

You will be able to verify that the guest book is printed correctly work. It's really easy. Can be changed by the guest guestbook ultra design. Since it is not difficult, at least ^ ^ Try pressing this and that, are always welcome. Thank you finish the post 'post guest book (Tumblr) blog. Question is "tumblr!