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How to create a blog of tumblr - tumblr registration method

How to create a blog of tumblr - tumblr registration method (Tumblr)

Both through the advanced posts, tumblr is what kind of service, future prospects I tried to examine me.

how to create tumblr

I think today and let's see how in earnest, subscribe to tumblr, create a blog.

The address is as follows: tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com

When you connect to tumblr, a screen will appear as shown in the photo above. Do you really clean? I think the main screen but it illustrates the simplicity of tumblr.

Well, first of all, I will try to register to tumblr.

1. I click "Sign up" on the top right corner of the screen.

how to create tumblr

2. enter simple information.

how to create tumblr

Enter your email address and password and try to use, the Username, Ushimyon enemy is the nickname the nickname you want to use other words. If you press Start, and the age column comes out. By all means, though, that you need to list the exact age, I do not need to be written to please random. Reduce the age, Done by checking the terms of use! I press the button.

how to create tumblr

Character input for the prevention of spam registration is issued. Is it a lot Boshidon? Almost Done enter lightly! I'll press.

3. Email Confirmation

Were enrolled in this tumblr! Before you start a blog at the end, you will need to verify your email from tumblr. If you look at the job Kuo Shin-mail when you join, you will be able to check your email with the subject line "Tumblr verification email".

how to create tumblr

Enrollment procedures that all exit by pressing [OK] button. Sign up to tumblr, now I've created a blog of tumblr. Cheers for good work was Shinura come this far! Then, we will ask basic blog and decorate the default interface tumblr, with the contents of the basic settings, such as a blog. Thank you.