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Some people do use tumbler Analysis - Tumblr user

tumblr analysis - Users

Some people do use tumblr?

tumblr user

I is the time to go rest for a while today. while you are looking for materials related to tumblr, I did find an interesting image. Source should be mentioned first. Photo Source above is http://columnfivemedia.com/. The columnfivemedia, are displayed on the site machining materials to analysis some interesting picture, has to offer.

Some people do use tumblr? The image above is an analysis on it. The first interesting is the sex ratio of their tumblr user.

1. male : female

There are many more women in = 55:45 male: female. I is not the characteristics of the main content and tumblr that multiple images were probably acting.

2. Race?

Caucasian, tumblr user 74% of Caucasian that is trying to speak with him. How did the study do not know, I'm interesting analysis.

3. Income

Tumblr user of 60% is less than $ 50,000 annual income.

4. Age

Tumblr user is between the ages of 26 and 24 from the age of 18. There is an image that young people prefer to tumblr or so.

5. Region

Los Angeles is a region that uses the most tumblr.

In addition, we will explain the characteristics of the people who use tumblr to two people women and men. The camera, keyword HTML, mobile phones, and is written Gnutella. "- Tumblr is some people use it? Analysis (Tumblr) User tumblr" end the post with this.

Now, what are you to start, how are people, and everyone to use tumblr?